Saturday, January 2, 2010


Wow, my last blog was written in April of 2009! My inactivity is mostly due mostly to a very small fallowing, and the realization that know one gives a flying f*&^$ about what i think! YAY!
So Here is what happened to me since April... Beware.
Yay! me and Ricky are still together!
Although we did some things prematurely i'm glad our poor judgement didn't F&#% us up...

Unfortunately the new job that Ricardo had acquired for me, didn't work out.
Well first: Ricardo who, i forgot to mention in my last post, is a Butcher at Safeway,and the job he got me was a seafood clerk at Safeway. That was alright other then it was right next to the meat shop, and even though i was officially in seafood, i still had to work with meat. EW. However i chose to suck it up, for i needed the money.
Second, uhm..... The mall by my apartment held a job fair, and apparently i can't even discuss job fairs with fellow co-workers. I discussed it with this guy i worked with Marty. He's a nice guy but he mentioned it to my supervisor, and he took it as "she wants to leave safeway" and told the store manager, and he let me go.
bunch of turds.
Unfortunately i didn't get another job till October 2009.
I was let go right as i moved in with Ricardo and naturally, money = problems. We had my room mate Derek, who moved out after three months...
then we got are current roommate Cynthia, who only gives us about $20 if anything,when her rent is $350- dropped from $400. we gave her months notice middle of December but she doesn't seem to be doing much about it...

Also besides money problems and the such:
After living so many months with a butcher i gave up on the vegi/fishy life style.
No he never asked me to, he was very willing to oblige.
It was strictly my choice. It's unfortunately just easier.
He is just too good of a cook.

I got a new job... graveyard shift... full time... at... erm... ugh... ehhh... hmmm... meh... feh... wal-mart...
don't judge me!
it is the only frickin place that was hiring! and full time! i know! i failed to live by my principles!
I hate the fact that i work there.
old navy called me for an interview. I however know they would not be able to supply me with the hours i need so i took wal-mart over old navy... Gah... every time i think about it i die a little inside!!!!

Well i still love my boyfriend, and he loves me.
we go good together, we both act like a pair of goobers.
plus for Christmas, he adopted me a Kitty from the SPCA!

well even though no one cares i'm going to post this anyways, then go watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I tried to read the book, but I believe it would be much better in French... if only i could read in French.

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