Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sin Log #10

Sloth: So today I went to work. My boss shows up late, and when she arrives she asks every one what kind of donut they like. Then leaves for about 20 minutes then comes back. So what is their to complain about? We all got a treat. That seemed to be the mind set of every one else. I was thinking different. My boss is notorious for not doing anything. She comes to work, tells us what to do and then does nothing. She looks at the clothes, and occasionally folds things and that's it. Also, we have a lack of cleaning supplies. We've been needing floor cleaner for a few months now, protective cleaning gloves for a few weeks, and bathroom seat covers for a few days (not that the last one is all that important). I've reported the first two a few times. After all I'm the one that does a lot of the cleaning because I'm the one that complains the least. Yet no one else sees the problem with her leaving to spend money on donuts. I would rather have gloves to clean our public bathrooms with then have a donut. Thank you.
Lust: I saw Eagle Eye today with my father and step mom. I would rather I had went to see it with a guy I liked. Rather then sit next to my father while he kept whispering all the stuff he knew about each actor to my step mom. The happy part though is I got to see a movie for free and I got to see Shia Labeouf in all his glorious cuteness. gah.... I can't decide who I like more, him or Robert Pattinson, the guy playing Edward in the upcoming movie Twilight. Although I'd say if I'd pick Pattinson it's only because I'm a sick twit, like all the other Twilight Fan girls. I'm not afraid to admit it. I am a twit. That reminds me, I have yet picked up a movie poster for my room. What is wrong with me? What kind of lame fan girl am I?

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