Wednesday, November 26, 2008

SIn Log #11

Okay long time since i've been on here. So welcome me back and read my new post. I have a lot of anger to get out.
Wrath: My friend Derek keeps organizing my purse. I can't find anything any more! He keeps putting things in these little compartments that I don't even know about. So when I go to search for something its hidden in a place I wouldn't think to look.

More Wrath: I have a friend. She shall stay nameless. She's supposed to be my best friend, but shes inconsiderate and I'm convinced she thinks shes better than me. There are so many things I could complain about but rather then be mindless I'll just stick to this recent thing. Okay sooo remember my first finished story? well i have an updated version (not posted on fictionpress). I knew before sending it to her it would of been a bad idea. Bad idea is an understatement. So I send it to her for grammar checks. I will admit she is superior at grammar. As most of you can read from my blog monkeys are better at grammar then I am. All I wanted was grammar checks. We have different tastes in books. I have a different style then her. She is also not the literary queen she thinks she is. She prolly could write some decent cliche' Manga stories at most. (I'm trying really hard not to insult any Manga readers... Sorry if i do. I'm not a huge Manga fan and don't think Naruto and Inuyasha are worth while reads. apparently she does.) Shes making suggestions like " Sally kept asking her questions, but didn’t get any answers other than “everything is fine,” and “try to rest baby(this phrase is usually used for sleeping, I’d change it).” " and " er head turned in my direction and she leered(this word is too malicious for this) at me. " I told her that I think we should just stick to the grammar until I get an agent and see what they think. Then She gets pissed. suddenly she says shes insulted about a section she read in the book. She's mad at how i portray a doctor. She wasn't mad when she read it last night and suddenly is mad now. She also read that part before, long before this. She asks me why didn't I warn her? Suddenly shes taking everything personally. She's taking apart my word choice. I told her i have purposely placed fragmented sentences in there. She said she was fine with that the night before. Now that I pissed her off she's telling me it's impossible to correct anything because of the fragmented sentences. All the frag sentences are things like. "Peachy." and things like that. Thats just the way she works. Say one little thing and she gets out her claws. Its the way it always has been with her. I'm mostly angry at myself because I told myself not to send it to her because I knew she would critique every little thing. I though... maybe i could handle the little critiques and focus on her grammar changes. I never picked her to react like this. Shes suddenly a malling lion angry because I told her something she didn't want to hear.

Well now I got that out of my system... Feels good to get the anger out in a nice neat little rant... now i just need to find a new decent grammar checker... if only Derek wasn't such a wuss and let me send it to him. he's nice.

Gluttony: tomorrows thanksgiving... Need I say more?

Sloth: Okay so here is what I get for asking for more hours...
Friday, 11/28
03:00PM - 12:00AM WRK
Saturday, 11/29
04:00AM - 09:00AM WRK
That is right off my schedule. stupid black friday

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