Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Leave My Bumperstickers Alone

So someone in a furry of rage tore my Obama bumper sticker off my car. All that remains is a little blue shred that is stuck. They seemed to have tried to take off my evolution sticker off as well but only managed to get a little ribbon like piece off the top. How petty. Even if they believe I don't deserve the right of free speech I do have that right and no angry bigot is going to stop me from expressing my right. Here is some of my expression of freedom of speech.
No matter how angry an opinion makes you feel like it or not they have every right to say that. So don't go around ripping off bumper stickers, breaking windows, tearing signs to show your against what ever they believe in. Instead use an equal act of freedom of speech. You don't need to make confrontation. No one is forcing you change your beliefs. You can choose not to listen.

In other news: Happy Election Day.
It is possibly too late for me to sway any undecided voters but here's my idea of what people should be aware of when going to vote.
  1. Taxes are not bad. It is a fact that taxes pay for Roads, Schools, Hospitals, Feeding Soldiers, and government jobs. Also keep in mind that their are more government jobs then just the politicians. My mom has a government job working in the sex offender registry of my state. Their are also police officers, firefighters, and some scientists who rely on a tax paid salary. It is my opinion that every one should pay proportional taxes. If you make more you pay more, if you make less you pay less. To me that is fair. If you still hate taxes then I would encourage an opinion of "it's the necessary evil"
  2. It is a Fact that their has been a rise of Gun Violence in schools in these past years. It is my opinion that someone doesn't need to own a machine gun, grenades, or other combat weapons to protect their homes. It is also my opinion that it is alright to have a riffle if you are a hunter and have a hunting license or go to the shooting range. It is also my opinion that if you are a gun collector, it shouldn't be allowed to buy bullets for combat weapons.
  3. It is a Fact that if you support a hospital with any taxes, the hospital is going to use that to help people. Hospitals tend to not turn people away if they are dying. if someone is going to die they are going to take care of them. It is my opinion that just because a doctor saves a life of an illegal immigrant does not count as giving an illegal health insurance.
  4. It is a fact that their is a large populated gay community in our country. It is my Opinion that the law should not be decided by a church decision. Separation of Church and State. I believe that a marriage is something defined by an individual church, and that individual church should decide if a marriage should only be between a man and a women, not the country or states decision. When you force a religious decision on a country than your forcing every one to abide by a rule for that religion despite their own beliefs. It is also my opinion that what two agreeing people decide to do with each other has no effect on the outside world and shouldn't even be a matter of debate.
  5. Women are equal to men. Not better, or inferior. It is ridiculous that their still isn't an equal pay system by now in this day and age.
If you have not already GO VOTE!

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