Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sin Log #8

Last night, I went with my friends to see Bill Maher's Documentary, religulous. I thought it made some very good points. I Highly recommend going to see it if your not offended when someone questions faith. I hope those that go see it keep a very open mind to it and listen to the points instead of instantly shutting down. Why do people see God as so forgiving and yet claim he is Wrathful, jealous, and hateful of people for who they are?

Pride: I got to see Obama today at the State University. He was very impressive. Of course he talked about the things that have been on every body's mind. He told us details that if you were paying attention, were things he was saying a while now. He went into his plan. There was so much positive energy flowing around that crowed I couldn't help but feel good about the future.

Gluttony: Today was good. I hung out with my friend Lani today. We went to a Sushi Bar. (note I'm a Pesco vegitarian. I still eat fish.) It was really good except I started shaking from the spicy ness and the seaweed got wrapped around my braces. That part wasn't as awesome.

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