Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I want lower taxes. I don't care what it costs.

I want lower taxes because I don't like them. I don't like paying for roads, schools, hospitals, the troops I clam to support and another institutions that benefit my community. I don't want to share my hard earned money that spoil my opinions of the so called "hard" working middle and struggling lower class. I only want to benefit myself and forget about the little person. I want Big tax breaks for my large company so that I can get richer and richer and not give my employees the raises they need. I don't want any of my money to go to taxes that pay for welfare because no one in those welfare lines are decent hard working people. Even if they were their problems aren't mine.
Okay, you caught me. I was being sarcastic. Perhaps I was a little harsh even. I however don't believe this conservative idea that constantly says taxes a bad liberal thing. However it is our current conservative taxing method that is getting us into trouble. You may of heard Senator Obama calls it as the "trickle down method." That's true. My term for it is the Prince John Method and Obama is our Robin Hood.
Prince John giving high taxes to the poor. the wealth stays among the wealthy. Robin Hood is made to look like the bad guy outlaw by the beneficial rich. Accusations of being buddy's with bandits, kinda similar to accusations of being buddy's with terrorists. Prince John tried to bring the public opinions down with town crier's or negative ads if you will. Prince John doesn't even understand that his own approval rating is down.
Aside from my silly analogy, I do think the distribution of taxes needs to be considered carefully. It should be proportional. the less you make obviously you can't afford as much so you pay less. the more you make the more you pay because you can afford to. I don't know how any one can see that as unfair.
A lot of people have this Me first attitude. I thought we were supposed to help others? A lot of books, children story's, television and movies kinda hint at that don't cha think? Why is it always about taking care of yourself and stepping over the person below you because it's profitable? Don't we learn moral lessons like "money isn't everything" or "you can't buy happiness"?
Also isn't helping others more profitable in the long run then helping yourself?
Others do well. Others become your customers. You do well? The Economy does well? Doesn't that work?
I'm not afraid to say it. I'm a socialist. I think the government needs to regulate things because obviously people don't do what they should on their own. Take Wall Street for example. Though McCain denies that the bail out is a form of socialism, it is what it is. Government taking charge of an economic problem is a form of socialism. We keep claiming that our government is a Capitalist economy but that's a big fat lie. Without government regulations on business their would be all sort of corrupt nature. No minimum wage. No benefits. Even honest companies would be forced to compete. I'm not saying that we should switch to Communism because I believe in some independence.
Well I'm drifting from point to point so ill summarize. Proportional taxes=fair and boost economy. Even though Socialism shouldn't be referred to as a swear word because it can be a good thing. Yay for random tax tangents! It may not all be connected in a nice neat form but at I think my point is attainable. If this was a paper for class I would take the tame to orginize it and such but this is not for a class and I'm feeling lazy.

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