Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to give money to a begger without buying him booze/or how not to get scammed

You probably heard the notion that you shouldn't give out money to someone that is seemingly destitute (others call to these Human beings as Bums), because of the possibility that they are only going to be spending that money on alcohol or drugs later. You might of also heard of the scam artists out their that pose to be destitute with a sign saying help me then when your not looking they get in their sports car and drive off. The first is an assumption that people get for reasons I must not yet understand. Its possibly the realist point of view but I like to think of myself as an idealist. Id rather not jump to conclusions but here is my solution if your worried about such things.
First, ask them, if you feel safe and comfortable doing so, what they need the money for, if its not already displayed on their sign. One guy told me he needed to buy dippers for his son.
Second, if the need is reasonable offer to buy it for them if you don't want to give them the cash. If they insist on you giving them the money, say you don't have cash and drive off, or just drive off. If they sincerely want what they say then they should be fine with someone else buying it for them.
If they weren't panhandling and obviously are needy, if you feel safe, id buy them a sandwich with the condiments in the little packages.
My logic is this. You can't buy booze with a pack of dippers or a sandwich.
If you don't have the time to go on a separate errand then, give the asker two dollars and don't think twice. What would you rather have, someone starving because you were too suspicious or a liar that has two dollars. What could you get for two dollars other then food?
If you still don't like my ideas above but would be interested in helping your communities poor and downtrodden then do an act of community service with a trusted organization. Go with your church to a shelter and serve. Participate in Adopt a Family. Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Evin if you don't believe the people on the streets their are people with legitimate needs. It wouldn't hurt to lend a hand now and then if you can afford it. Ever here "service is its own reward"? It's true!

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