Friday, October 10, 2008

Sin Log #2

Greed - Envy: I sometimes feel I don't get the support or love I look for in my mother. Whenever I talk to her she doesn't seem interested in what I have to say and often insists on talking about her day. After talking with my real mother I force my step mom into a conversation. I tell her everything. I even tell her things i don't really care about. I just tell her about everything that involves me. My stepmother could probably write a book. Each day when I see her around her own children I see the love she gives them and I want that for myself. I know she cares about me but i want her to love me to. I want to be able to hug her like her children hug her. I want her to be my real mom. I want a better mom than the one I have.

Sloth: I could of worked extra hours today at work like I needed to. Instead I just went home and played on the computer until I needed to go to my Big Sister Little Sister thing.

Pride: I found out yesterday that I get my braces off in seven weeks. Yay me!

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