Friday, October 10, 2008

Save the planet

Why don't we use stainless steel water bottles? They won't melt or disintegrate. It is better then contributing to the land fill.
Oh and to those Fiji water users... You don't need to pay so much for pure water "untouched by human hands." If you want pure water buy a tea pot. Boil water in that, poor water directly into the stainless steel and put it into the fridge for few hours. Ta da! pure water with nothing icky and it won't waist plastic. Sure the water bottles are $7-$8, but how much do you spend on plastic water bottles? Plus it will last you a lot longer.
the tea pot is also nice to have. not jut for tea. for me it is more efficiant than microwaving powder hot chocolate. if you are a cup o' noodle eater (i don't recommend) its better than sticking those Styrofoam cups in the microwave.
So save the planet. Stainless steel water bottles.

1 comment:

Mr. Nall said...

I rather like the idea of eating noodles out of a tea-pot. Might well try it at some point if I run out of bowls.
